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Welcome to The Learning Hack, a podcast about the people and technologies that are shaping the future of learning.

Nov 4, 2019

John Helmer talks to Caroline Ford, ex Group Head of Learning at Thomas Cook, the 178 year-old holiday company that went spectacularly broke in September 2019. The company’s financial ills had been putting extreme pressure on L&D funds for many years before that, and Caroline describes with passion her struggles to turn around learning within Thomas Cook on next-to-no budget.
01:48 Collapse of Thomas Cook
02:38 Roots of the collapse
03:50 Effects of the 2012 restructuring on L&D
08:20 The turnaround
18:04 Rebuilding L&D on no budget
26:52 Using Facebook as a no-cost learning platform
35:44 Industry recognition for winning results
37: 44 Top tips for doing L&D on a tight budget
Caroline’s 3 tips for L&D without a budget:
  1. Understand your business
  2. Identify and engage your internal and external stakeholders
  3. Really understand your assets
Caroline on Twitter: @Ford_the_Broker
And on LinkedIn:
Contact John Helmer
Twitter: @johnhelmer