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Welcome to The Learning Hack, a podcast about the people and technologies that are shaping the future of learning.

Dec 16, 2020

Looking back over a year and a half of podcast episodes, John Helmer summarizes the main themes that have emerged from these these fascinating discussions and attempts to draw insights by taking a helicopter view.
Where do people agree, and where do they clash? Includes contributions from George Siemens, Nick Shackleton-Jones, Donald Clark, Connie Malamed, Gianni Giacomelli, Laura Lee-Gibbs, Andrea Miles, Sharon Claffey Kaliouby, Jane Hart, Matthew Confer, Paul Matthews, David Wilson, Julliette Denny, Steve Dineen, Dani Johnson, Henri Palmer, Paul McElvaney, Leonard Houx, Myles Runham, Victoria Marsick, Reda Sadki, Caroline Ford and David Perring.
01:23 Learning Hack Facts & Figures
04:04 5. The Learner Experience
13:18 4. Learning in the Flow of Work
20:22 3. Women in Learning
25:42 2. Evidence-Based Design
31:26 1. The Global Pandemic
Writers and thinkers referenced by Leonard Houx:
David Merrill
Robert M. Gagné
Siegfried Engelmann
Charles Reigeluth
John Sweller
Paul Kirschner
Jeroen J. G. van Merriënboer
Books cited:
Diana Laurillard Laurillard, D. (2002). Rethinking University Teaching. A conversational framework for the effective use of learning technologies. London: Routledge ISBN 0415256798
Contact John Helmer
Twitter: @johnhelmer
Download the new white paper from Learning Pool written by John Helmer – 'Experience: theory, design and supporting technologies for an experience-based learning culture'